

Showing 1–20 of 37 results

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Tape Suture with Rope Ends TapeFit Max

Units: 12/Box

Titanium Button with TenZ Adjustable Loop

Units: 1/A

Spirom PK PEEK Interference Screw

Units: 1/A

Biocomposite Interference Screw for ACL LIGAFIX®

Units: 1/A

Sutura Tipo Cuerda Con Media Aguja CordFit

Units: 12/Box

Sutura Tipo Cuerda En Loop CordFit Infinity

Units: 12/Box

CordFit A String Suture

Units: 12/Box

Meise Pump Pipe

Units: 1/A

Generic Needle for Suture Retrieval Forceps

Units: 5/Box

SelfPass Shoulder Clip Needle

Units: 5/Box

SelfPass Knee Gripper Needle

Units: 5/Box

SpinFit PK Knotless PEEK Threaded Anchor

Units: 1/A
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